Category: Uncategorized

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Using Private Cellular Networks to address emerging cybersecurity vulnerabilities in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Environments

The use of employee-owned devices for corporate activities goes back to at least 2009 when Intel introduced a policy allowing the use of privately owned devices to attach to the corporate network. This was seen as an employee friendly policy which allowed workers to choose their preferred device for work by-passing debates about Windows vs…

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CBRS in the Built Environment: Are We Ready?

When the FCC announced the release of 150 MHz of spectrum to the wireless community, countless companies clamored to develop products, services and hardware to take advantage of a massive market disruption. Infrastructure providers, carriers, third party vendors, cable companies and savvy enterprises all saw an opportunity: lower latency, increased bandwidth, heightened security, and reduced…

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5G Open Innovation Lab – 5G Pilot Snohomish County

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